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Data safety and effective disposal of storage media

Data degaussing is a process that uses a magnetic field to erase data from magnetic storage media, such as hard drives, tapes, and floppy disks. The process involves exposing the storage media to a strong magnetic field, which disrupts the magnetic orientation of the data and renders it unreadable. Data degaussing is an effective way to ensure that sensitive or confidential data is securely erased from magnetic storage media. It is often used by organizations that need to dispose of old or outdated computer equipment, or that need to ensure that data is securely erased before it is transferred to a new owner. There are several types of data degaussing devices available, including handheld units for individual hard drives, as well as larger machines for bulk erasure of multiple devices at once. When using a data degausser, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure that data is effectively erased and that the process is safe for both the operator and the environment. It is worth noting that data degaussing is only effective for magnetic storage media and does not erase data from solid-state storage devices such as SSDs or USB drives. In such cases, other data erasure techniques such as overwriting or physical destruction may be necessary to ensure that data is securely erased.
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